Home maintenance is a demanding responsibility for any homeowner. Small issues can sometimes turn into major headaches in seconds while keeping your home clean often feels like a full-time job. While hiring domestic and gardening services usually curb the bulk of environmental contamination, implementing materials that are durable, cost-effective and low-maintenance can often take this responsibility off your shoulders entirely.

Due to advancement in the field of nano-coating, piping and tubing in and outside of your home can enjoy the benefits of superior corrosion protection, as well as being environmentally friendly, as this technology has no negative impact on your home eco-system.

So, how does it work? The process is based on a 9th-century Mesopotamian recipe of copper, silver salts and oxides concocted into an ancient metallic nanopolymer that will have Grecian urns gleaming to the end of days. Essentially, the polymer bonds with the material it is applied to on a molecular level, forming permanent interlocking bonds within the substrate (Ener-Corr Solutions).

This method of coating is reliable, as well as extremely tough, durable and corrosion resistant and has abrasion resistance on par with that of glass-ceramics. As this coating is water-based, low in VOCs and requires minimal wastewater treatment, it is a long-term, environmentally friendly approach to home maintenance.

Using this method to protect piping and tubing in and outside of your home is a reliable solution to wear-and-tear and environmental damage. Finding the correct product to guard against corrosion protection can be challenging, but researching different types of nano-coated tubing will ensure that the process remains cost-effective. 
